The FarmHand Tractor™
In today's world of agriculture, most manufacturers are focused on building larger and more expensive equipment, which requires massive fields of vast mono crops.
We plan to take some of these concepts from Big Ag and reengineer them down to size for small farms. We also have some ideas for new implements designed specifically for the smaller farms.
While some aspects of theFarmHand may be patented, the mounting system will be Open-Sourced allowing other companies to develop implements that can be used with theFarmHand. This allows any farmer to tailor theFarmHand to their farm's needs.
Certain jobs on a farm like weeding, planting and seeding are boring, repetitive and tedious tasks. theFarmHand has implements designed to simplify and assist the farmer with these daily chores.
I am building this for small farms and I want to give them the best price I can. The starting price for a basic model is $14,995